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Orange Exotica

'Dessert is probably the most important stage of the meal, since it will be the last thing your guests remember before they pass out all over the table''.
William Powell


Orange jelly 1packet
Cream 200 gram
Butter just to stroke on the tray
Pack yogurt 1 cup
Condensed milk as required
Gelatin 1tbs
Water ¼ cup
Chocolate Biscuit 8-10


First of all dissolve gelatin in water.

Now come towards the most crucial part of the recipe; put the condensed milk, yogurt, jelly, gelatin, cream, in the blender and blend all the ingredients till the mixture becomes smooth.

Crush the chocolate biscuits into small pieces.

Rub the butter on the base of the dish and lay the crushed biscuits on it, for crust.

Pour the orange mixture on it and set in the freezer for some time.

You can make different shapes of this dessert, like in rectangular shape in plan platter or in round shape.

Now decorate the yummy orange dessert with the lavish cream and serve to enjoy.

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